I've got a new and improved site! Follow me here.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Tuxedo Spartan Sprint Race Report - and life up to it
Third place is nothing to turn one's nose up at. With so many great athletes that have come into the sport, only 3 of us cross the finish line in those coveted podium spots. Forth place could have easily happened in this race. If I knew that I had been at my peak fitness or that I had given all I was physically able to do, I would be thrilled. But I've had a few set backs lately that have definitely had an impact on my training.
My last race was 2 months ago in Las Vegas, and I had managed to snag the top of the podium. Even though the competition was fierce I was able to push my body after getting off obstacles to a decent running pace. Physically I was where I wanted to be - Mentally I was where I wanted to be.

And then I ran into some bad luck.
One week later, in the 2nd WOD of a Crossfit competition, I managed to get a minor case of Rhabdo in my quad (Vastus Lateralis). Yes folks, here's TyAnn apparently pushing beyond her limits and getting herself in trouble - again. I'm really hating to admit this because so many people already think I am crazy, insane, etc without this little nugget.
But for me, pushing beyond my limit feels exactly like pushing up to my limit. Honestly I can't tell the difference. I didn't feel worse than a hard workout while performing it. Afterwards it felt like I had ran a marathon on the one leg.
So a few weeks of decreased intensity and minimal running was enough to take me down a couple notches. And then I managed to get a Staph infection in that same leg in a little spot that my fingernail had accidently cut while massaging. Add in 2 rounds of antibiotics to kill my athletic performance while trying to come back. With my immune system down I caught a cold the week of the race.``

As I stood at that starting line in New York, I was mentally ready to go, but really wondering how my body was going to respond. I just didn't know. But as always, I was going to give it what I had.
The race had been preceded by interviews with the NBC crew and lots of pressure. I was surprised (and happy) that I wasn't really affected by it. I was just there to prove that I was still strong, still fast, and could still perform.
Tuxedo Park is a ski resort - So the course was as one would expect. Straight up, then straight down.
The first running bit was uphill, and soon after the send off, I knew I was in trouble. I was not bouncing up the hill like I normally do, I was fighting. I was trying not to walk. I knew this was going to be 4.5 miles of pure pain.
I tried to stay with Rose and Amelia, but my body just wasn't ready that day. I was so out of breath already and I just couldn't go. I was able to gain quite a bit of ground away from rest of the pack however, so that pressure wasn't really there for the first part.
There were a few new obstacles including monkey bars that were different levels. I had to get a good swing going to get to one of the high ones. We also got to try out cargo net monkey bars - A lot more challenging then I expected!
About halfway into the course, I had somewhat caught Amelia as she had fallen off of the cargo monkey bars and had to burpee out. We then had to do a "fun" combination of obstacles that started with the Hercules Hoist, right into the inverted wall, into one of the worst barbed wire sections I've ever suffer through.. It was uphill (dare I say 100 yds or so) and not very wet. I never realized how much better mud felt. Dry, rocky, and low - I was feeling pukey going through it. I could see Amelia about 30 sec ahead on the barbed wire crawl.
Brilliantly placed, the spear throw came right after that lovely bit. Hands were muddy, and we were exhausted. Both Rose and Amelia missed theirs, and I really wanted to snag that 2nd place away from Amelia. The hay bales were smaller than normal, and it was uphill which was a new. My spear went slightly to the right of the target. CRAP! I started on my 30 burpees.
April came in next, and thankfully missed hers. I had 10 burpees left. And Orla's spear goes in. She ran off in 3rd place.
I didn't know how much race was left - a mile or so. If there is one thing I've learned in obstacle racing, its that you can't ever give up in these races until you cross the finish line. There just may be something that works out in your favor. I ran down the next hill to the rope climb and tried to get through as fast as I could. April was ready to go up as I was getting out and Orla was about 30 yds ahead. But she was walking the hill. This was my chance!
I knew this was the last of the race, so I tried to run that hill as fast as I could. We reached the traverse wall together, and I risked falling off for a fast crossing. It worked out and I ran up the last hill into the woods. I couldn't see my competitors anymore and I gave it everything I had left to gain some more ground. I crossed the finish line with plenty of time to spare!
For anyone that really knows me, this just fuels my competitive fire for the next race. I'm hungry for more, and to get the gains I had back. I decided to hire a running coach that can help me get there quickly. I'm going to do the little things that make a difference - more sleep and a focus on recovery.
It was quite the experience to be a part of the beginning of the growth of the sport. NBC did an amazing job and were all in. There were cameras everywhere throughout the race. The pre and post race interviews were extremely professional, and I can just see how it is all going to unfold to look amazing. If the sport takes off, then I'll have been at the starting line of it all. The experience was surreal and will be one I won't forget.
My last race was 2 months ago in Las Vegas, and I had managed to snag the top of the podium. Even though the competition was fierce I was able to push my body after getting off obstacles to a decent running pace. Physically I was where I wanted to be - Mentally I was where I wanted to be.

And then I ran into some bad luck.
One week later, in the 2nd WOD of a Crossfit competition, I managed to get a minor case of Rhabdo in my quad (Vastus Lateralis). Yes folks, here's TyAnn apparently pushing beyond her limits and getting herself in trouble - again. I'm really hating to admit this because so many people already think I am crazy, insane, etc without this little nugget.
But for me, pushing beyond my limit feels exactly like pushing up to my limit. Honestly I can't tell the difference. I didn't feel worse than a hard workout while performing it. Afterwards it felt like I had ran a marathon on the one leg.
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Sorry - I know it's gross |

As I stood at that starting line in New York, I was mentally ready to go, but really wondering how my body was going to respond. I just didn't know. But as always, I was going to give it what I had.
The race had been preceded by interviews with the NBC crew and lots of pressure. I was surprised (and happy) that I wasn't really affected by it. I was just there to prove that I was still strong, still fast, and could still perform.
Tuxedo Park is a ski resort - So the course was as one would expect. Straight up, then straight down.
The first running bit was uphill, and soon after the send off, I knew I was in trouble. I was not bouncing up the hill like I normally do, I was fighting. I was trying not to walk. I knew this was going to be 4.5 miles of pure pain.
I tried to stay with Rose and Amelia, but my body just wasn't ready that day. I was so out of breath already and I just couldn't go. I was able to gain quite a bit of ground away from rest of the pack however, so that pressure wasn't really there for the first part.
There were a few new obstacles including monkey bars that were different levels. I had to get a good swing going to get to one of the high ones. We also got to try out cargo net monkey bars - A lot more challenging then I expected!
About halfway into the course, I had somewhat caught Amelia as she had fallen off of the cargo monkey bars and had to burpee out. We then had to do a "fun" combination of obstacles that started with the Hercules Hoist, right into the inverted wall, into one of the worst barbed wire sections I've ever suffer through.. It was uphill (dare I say 100 yds or so) and not very wet. I never realized how much better mud felt. Dry, rocky, and low - I was feeling pukey going through it. I could see Amelia about 30 sec ahead on the barbed wire crawl.
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Nasty Barbed Wire Crawl |
April came in next, and thankfully missed hers. I had 10 burpees left. And Orla's spear goes in. She ran off in 3rd place.
I didn't know how much race was left - a mile or so. If there is one thing I've learned in obstacle racing, its that you can't ever give up in these races until you cross the finish line. There just may be something that works out in your favor. I ran down the next hill to the rope climb and tried to get through as fast as I could. April was ready to go up as I was getting out and Orla was about 30 yds ahead. But she was walking the hill. This was my chance!
I knew this was the last of the race, so I tried to run that hill as fast as I could. We reached the traverse wall together, and I risked falling off for a fast crossing. It worked out and I ran up the last hill into the woods. I couldn't see my competitors anymore and I gave it everything I had left to gain some more ground. I crossed the finish line with plenty of time to spare!
For anyone that really knows me, this just fuels my competitive fire for the next race. I'm hungry for more, and to get the gains I had back. I decided to hire a running coach that can help me get there quickly. I'm going to do the little things that make a difference - more sleep and a focus on recovery.
It was quite the experience to be a part of the beginning of the growth of the sport. NBC did an amazing job and were all in. There were cameras everywhere throughout the race. The pre and post race interviews were extremely professional, and I can just see how it is all going to unfold to look amazing. If the sport takes off, then I'll have been at the starting line of it all. The experience was surreal and will be one I won't forget.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Why Running Races are Easy!
Today I laughed, I cried, I got so angry I had to count to 10 in the other room, my heart almost burst from being so full of love, and I adored and fumed over the same person within the same hour. Welcome to my typical day as a parent. I feel as though I have been pushed to my physical/ mental limit without even leaving the house.
As a Professional Obstacle Racer, I'm pushing my body to my physical limits on a daily basis as part of my training. I find myself having to reach inside and find more drive- convince myself to finish one more rep or meet a set time running around a track. Once or twice a month I travel to different parts of the country to see if I can go beyond those limits I once thought far enough. These endeavors are physically, emotionally, and mentally draining. But they pale in comparison to what I go through on an almost daily basis under my own roof.
I have been blessed with 3 healthy, vibrant, active, independent, and strong willed children. They love to run around - especially when they get their second wind right around 8 pm. They eat every 2-3 hours and will like something you cook one week and not the next. They have their own ideas on how their day should go, and if you think you know better then prepare for battle. They know exactly what to say or do to you to push you off the cliff of self control that you are so desperately hanging on to. They do love their toys (which have the ability to multiply) and need lots of room to be able to properly conduct their kid fantasy - They prefer the clean rooms and hallways. They know what is best for themselves and will rightly let you know that.
Compared to this, racing is easy. I've seen it over and over with my friends with their own kiddos. They tend to race stronger and harder after they have been endowed with a few bundles of joy. Want to know the secret? We have all gone completely insane and have to get our crazy out in some way or another. My girlfriends all become progressively faster after each child they birth. Some might say that this is due to more muscle gained/ less fat yada yada yada. They are wrong. Parents just add to their level of crazy and have found racing as a way to release it in controlled amounts.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change one iota of it. As Charles Dickens says ,"It was the best of times, It was the worst of times". I have never been happier in my life, or more full of love for and in awe of my 3 munchkins.
So the next time you see a parent, just give them a knowing wink that you are in on the secret. If you are a parent, just make sure you keep registering for those races.
Feature Friday
A little more getting to know me - Click here to read an interview with Kelly Vincent - blogger at Utah Dixie Deals. Thanks for the love Kelly:)
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Feature Friday - Meet TyAnn Clark Utah Dixiedeals.com |
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Drowning over Burpees
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Stephanie and I at the finish |
I've been eager to get this story out because it is so inspirational. Stephanie started crossfit less than a year ago, and has since lost around 80 lbs. As a single mom and awesome friend of mine, when she told me that a Spartan race was on her bucket list, I quickly got her registered for the closest race coming up. She attended crossfit and my Saturday obstacle course trainings to prepare, and showed up at the starting line. So without further ado, here is Stephanie's experience at the Las Vegas Super Spartan 2014.
"She looked straight at me without a scintilla of hesitation and said, 'you can do this Steph'! I was amazed at the amount of confidence this girl had in me when myself I felt like the biggest loser in the world. I wanted to do this race because I wanted to get out of my head. So much was spinning out of control in my life.
Monday before the race, I became ill. I started to vomit and had a fever and hives everywhere. BUT - I don’t quit!
"I will run this race," I thought, "I will run it!" TyAnn’s trainings were grueling and I never actually gave my 100 percent partly because I just didn’t believe that I could. I have said it once and will say it again, I don’t know how I can be this blessed to have people see more in me than I see in myself. The night before the race my hives were out of control. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I was a wreck with nerves and stressing about the fool I was about to make of myself. Saturday morning, I went anyway. I am no quitter. I may suck at doing things but I don't quit.
When the race began, I jumped that wall and I knew, I was in the game. I could hear (trainer) Ann’s voice in my head to keep running. I could hear Matt’s (blackridge trainer) voice in my head to keep going. All I could think about is use my legs, tighten my core, jump the walls. I could hear the voices of my friends telling me to keep going. The walls were the easiest part. Mile four came and my legs decided to give up on me. I thought 'who the boss here'. My legs were cramping so bad that I wanted to walk off and say screw this, I am no Spartan. I am only human.
I had this thought, Ann, Justin, TyAnn, Jared, they knew I was going to finish, why I couldn’t see what they saw. Before I had any time for self-doubt, I saw the sign. “Three miles left before your free beer.” I said "Screw free beer; I want to jump that fire!!!
Little did I know I was going to come face to face with my nemesis: water. I don’t dive in water; I cannot stand the feeling of water against my throat let alone above my head. I am looking at the obstacle thinking, there goes my next 30 burpees. After 90 burpees, I couldn’t fathom the idea that I had to do another 30. I stood in that pool for 20 minutes talking my way out of it. I looked over and saw the finish line and said, (@#*!) it - Today is a good day to drown.
When I popped on the other side, I started to scream and cry because I couldn’t believe that
I chose drowning over burpees!!!.
When I crossed that finish line, I was running on pure adrenaline and complete and total joy. I knew it was the beginning of my journey to no longer live comfortable and to harness discipline in my life. My friends were proud and I was really happy that I made them proud. No Blackridge crossfitter should be labeled as a quitter. I made TyAnn proud. She trained me to succeed not to fail and succeeding I did. I don’t know how she planted that idea in my head but I am very very thankful for her. I am thankful the support that I have. I am thankful for that #@$@ race!
I wanna do more, I wanna be more.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Las Vegas Spartan Super - Overcoming obstacles
2007 World Champtionships |
You can read the full article here - It's a good one!
Well here is my confession - I relate because I struggle with the same thing. And I say currently struggle because I don't know that it will ever completely go away. However, I have made HUGE strides in the last year, particularly in the last few months, and I think it's showing in my race results. I started out the year with 2 x 4th place finishes, and moved up to a 3rd, then 2nd, then 2 x 1sts. It seems as though the methods I use help me to shut out the chatter and be able to compete like I know I can. If she can conquer it, so can I.
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Spartan Family - Orla Walsh, Margaret Slatcher TyAnn clark, +Amelia Boone |
I'm not gonna lie - I WANTED THIS WIN - BADLY! Toquerville, UT is 2 hours away, so this was kind of my local race. I had lots of friends, family, and support in the audience that day, and I wanted to do it for them. I was especially excited to see one of my trainees complete the course. Click here for her story.
Images of my kids watching influenced much of my performance!
After the ladies were sent off, a group of 10 or so pushed the pace and fought for running ground. After the first mile, we were down to 4. Rose Wetzel, Amelia, Boone, and KK Stewart were the other 3.
One of the things that helped me in this race was experience in long distance running. Having run more 10ks to marathons than I can count has helped me to know how much energy to expend in order to have some left at the end. So when we hit things like the bucket carry, all 3 girls got ahead of me. I tried to go strong, but not as though I'm finishing a workout for time. I tried to evenly expend my energy. Within the next half mile I caught back up.
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The Painted Warrior loads his shoes with sand as he |
At this point, we reached something called The Gamble. We are told beforehand that the longer route is flatter and easier, and the shorter, harder. I had already decided to go left (short) because it's served well in the past. It seems I chose correctly because a mile later it was only Amelia, Kk, and I. Rose unfortunately had gone right and we didn't see her for a while. Amazingly she did catch back up to KK pretty quickly!
Amelia and I spent the next 6 miles trading off leads. I would get slightly ahead of her on running, and she would catch back up in most of the obstacles. I honestly had been hoping just for a place on the podium in this race. I don't know if I ever believed that I would be on top of that podium. So when Amelia and I were fighting for first and second, I decided I wasn't going to let her have it. I was going to fight to the death! My race mantras were "Be Epic, Inspire, and have Courage" and I kept repeating it. If my pace on my garmin wasn't what I thought it should be I pushed harder.
We went through tire drags and pulls, tire flips, and a super gnarly barbed wire crawl.
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Amelia throws first |
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I seal my fate |
One mile left, and I was pushing to the finish to leave no room for doubt. One more sandbag carry, and Amelia had already finished her burpees when I finished the first lap. Really?? I could see the finish line and see my friend Justin finishing up right in front of me. I told him to help bring me in because my energy was failing and he pushed the pace for me.
Last obstacle that could change my game - Traverse Wall. You fall off - you get 30 burpees (and I would definitely lose first place). I took it slow and steady, and made it to the end.
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My rock and Love of my Life |
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Love my mom! |
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Running Death by Burpees
Death by Burpees
Ok I've seen workouts involving burpees that are a lot worse (hello Crossfit Games 14.5), but I like this one a lot. Mostly because I made it up, but also because anyone can do it anywhere. If you are a hiker, runner, crossfitter, or OCR athlete, use this to learn how to push hard through fatigue. Whether you are at the tail end of a marathon, or running after coming off an obstacle, you will be able to deal with the tiredness easier.
First off, this requires correct burpee form - hands up with jump at the top, chest goes to ground in the push up position (can be done on knees).
I really like workouts with variety as I go along. This one is great to add into a longer run.
Beginners - You can start by run/walking after each burpee section and/ or starting with fewer burpees.
Intermediate - Run after each burpee section, jog and recover between sets
Advanced - Sprint after burpees, try to maintain race pace through recovery (more of a slower tempo run pace)
This will be less intense than a track workout which typically have shorter breaks - It's designed to train your legs to move faster through longer miles. The 1/2 mile spread is pretty typical obstacle spacing in an obstacle course race.
1 mile warm up
30 burpees
30 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery (I ran at a 6:45 -7 min mile)
25 burpees
40 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
20 burpees
50 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
15 burpees
60 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
10 burpees
70 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
5 burpees
80 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
Ok I've seen workouts involving burpees that are a lot worse (hello Crossfit Games 14.5), but I like this one a lot. Mostly because I made it up, but also because anyone can do it anywhere. If you are a hiker, runner, crossfitter, or OCR athlete, use this to learn how to push hard through fatigue. Whether you are at the tail end of a marathon, or running after coming off an obstacle, you will be able to deal with the tiredness easier.
Vermont World championships My chest made it down - I promise. |
I really like workouts with variety as I go along. This one is great to add into a longer run.
Beginners - You can start by run/walking after each burpee section and/ or starting with fewer burpees.
Intermediate - Run after each burpee section, jog and recover between sets
Advanced - Sprint after burpees, try to maintain race pace through recovery (more of a slower tempo run pace)
This will be less intense than a track workout which typically have shorter breaks - It's designed to train your legs to move faster through longer miles. The 1/2 mile spread is pretty typical obstacle spacing in an obstacle course race.

1 mile warm up
30 burpees
30 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery (I ran at a 6:45 -7 min mile)
25 burpees
40 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
20 burpees
50 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
15 burpees
60 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
10 burpees
70 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
5 burpees
80 sec sprint
1/2 mile of recovery
Monday, March 31, 2014
Tapering - The best workout before a race
Tapering - reducing one's training in preparation for a race. AKA being forced to do less of what one loves for an entire week.
After coming from the running world to obstacle course racing, I'm somewhat surprised at many of the racers' views (or lack there of) on tapering pre-race. Most have a less favorable view of cutting back. I get it - It can be the hardest part of your training. However there are huge benefits to allowing your body to build during the week or 2 before the race. Studies have shown that you can improve time by 2-8%!
Your goal in a taper week should be to reduce fatigue and maintain fitness- not to have any physiological gains. You should not be trying to set PRs (personal records).
A running tapering schedule involves cutting out weight lifting up to 2 weeks before, and significantly cutting running miles. This will not work for obstacle racing.

Take a look at what I do -
This may or may not work for you, but here is what I do.
***Remember that this is a scaled back version of my typical week. I typically run about 30 miles a week with 3-4 crossfit/strength sessions. If this looks like one of your hard weeks, do not follow this to a "T". Reduce miles, do less sets, etc.
***Trying to gain fitness this week will do you more harm than good - It's better to go in undertrained than overtrained.
***Keep intensity, but reduce sets and reps.
Full Crossfit class - but will avoid anything that will make me sore (100 heavy deadlifts or something of that sort). I avoid heavy squats and most leg work as a general rule as well. I then add 2 sets of 8 reps of heavy Bicep curls, Tricep dips, Bench Press, Pull ups
Practice - spear throw
Track workout after warm up, with equal time recovery - 6 miles total
Sprint 2x800m
Practice -spear throw
Run - 5 miles - stopping every mile to do 15 burpees
1 set of Pull ups, Tricep Dips, Bicep Curps, Bench Press, Bent over row
Practice - spear throw
Easy 3 miles or rest completely depending on how I'm feeling
Easy 20 min - adding 3-4 x10 sec sprints
Remember to hydrate, sleep well, stretch out, eat clean, and relax as well.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Spectrum 10k Race Report
Spectrum 10k Race Report
I was going to start this blog out saying
"I think I could've done better here" or "Here's where I should've improved" - But quite frankly I'm surprised I did as well as I did.
I raced the Georgia Atlanta Spartan Sprint last week, and I was still pretty fatigued. And add to that 3 other races in 6 weeks, I was due for a break. Two days before the race I tried adding a measely 800 m at race pace into my run, and I was just too breathy to complete it.
Plus, I didn't feel like I had the "fight" in me - It usually takes a few weeks to get that back after racing
So I came in with no expectations (well maybe a little) and a hope to be able to hold a respectable time.
You start the race halfway into the BREATHTAKING Snow Canyon Park.
A bus shuttled us in, and it was quite nippy at the starting line. I got a 1 mile warm up in and chugged some MAMA CHIA.
Standing at the starting line felt a bit foreign - I hadn't ran a 10k, or a non obstacle race, in over a year. i hadn't trained for this - tempo runs and most street runs weren't even part of my workout anymore. I stood there with my running center girls - Amber Green, Marci Jacobsen, Jessica Brazzeel and it felt good to be part of the "family" again.
I'm not gonna lie - it was a far different starting line than a Spartan obstacle race. The men and ladies had lean runner's bodies - not the bulging muscles that I was accustomed to at Spartans. And there were a lot more shirts on.
So we started off - and it felt GOOD to be able to get into a rhythm and go. The first mile has a pretty good downhill, and then they roll after that. It is ran through a BEAUTIFUL Snow Canyon State Park, and then out into surrounding neighborhoods. The second half has more inclines than declines. Here are my splits.
6:18 (eke!)
So the wheels came off a little at the end,and I was feeling the past week's fatigue. I ran a little too conservatively on the downhill portions to make up the split between 1st place (Amber Green) and I. She really took off from the get go, and I just couldn't close the gap.
But considering how I felt 2 days prior, I need to be SUPER happy with my performance and chalk it up to a great training run.
I have to say the finish line goodies were wonderful for my sweet tooth:) Lucky Charms, Popsicles, bananas, grapes, yum. And I loved being clean!
So I came in 2nd place and a $50 gift certificate to St George Running Center!
I was going to start this blog out saying
"I think I could've done better here" or "Here's where I should've improved" - But quite frankly I'm surprised I did as well as I did.
I raced the Georgia Atlanta Spartan Sprint last week, and I was still pretty fatigued. And add to that 3 other races in 6 weeks, I was due for a break. Two days before the race I tried adding a measely 800 m at race pace into my run, and I was just too breathy to complete it.
Plus, I didn't feel like I had the "fight" in me - It usually takes a few weeks to get that back after racing
So I came in with no expectations (well maybe a little) and a hope to be able to hold a respectable time.
You start the race halfway into the BREATHTAKING Snow Canyon Park.
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Seriously Amazing! |
Standing at the starting line felt a bit foreign - I hadn't ran a 10k, or a non obstacle race, in over a year. i hadn't trained for this - tempo runs and most street runs weren't even part of my workout anymore. I stood there with my running center girls - Amber Green, Marci Jacobsen, Jessica Brazzeel and it felt good to be part of the "family" again.
I'm not gonna lie - it was a far different starting line than a Spartan obstacle race. The men and ladies had lean runner's bodies - not the bulging muscles that I was accustomed to at Spartans. And there were a lot more shirts on.
So we started off - and it felt GOOD to be able to get into a rhythm and go. The first mile has a pretty good downhill, and then they roll after that. It is ran through a BEAUTIFUL Snow Canyon State Park, and then out into surrounding neighborhoods. The second half has more inclines than declines. Here are my splits.
6:18 (eke!)
So the wheels came off a little at the end,and I was feeling the past week's fatigue. I ran a little too conservatively on the downhill portions to make up the split between 1st place (Amber Green) and I. She really took off from the get go, and I just couldn't close the gap.
But considering how I felt 2 days prior, I need to be SUPER happy with my performance and chalk it up to a great training run.
I have to say the finish line goodies were wonderful for my sweet tooth:) Lucky Charms, Popsicles, bananas, grapes, yum. And I loved being clean!
So I came in 2nd place and a $50 gift certificate to St George Running Center!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
The Treadmill Workout That Will Make You Faster
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No one was happy to see this hill at the 2014 Vermont Spartan World Championships which included a mile long 65lb Sandbag carry |
Due to workouts that included the one below, I have made uphill running my strength. I know I can use the opportunity to pass opponents.
Uphill running will strengthen your legs and make you faster on the flats and downhills as well!
This is the Treadmill workout that will push your running abilities to the next level. You HAVE to use the treadmill because it will not let you slow down when you get tired. This workout done on your own outside will not give you the same results.
BEGINNERS - You will need to perform each interval at a slower speed (maybe a quick walk). Also keep each interval very short with a longer recovery. Your beginning pace may be in the 4 mph region.
INTERMEDIATE - Aim for a pace around 5-6 mph
ADVANCED - If you can easily do the 1 min interval at 6.5 mph, find a pace that challenges you. The early intervals might feel like cake, but they get hard really fast.
Inclines will be ran at 12-15%. Yuck, I know These are your speed workouts, so you should not be able to talk. Start with just a few inclines, and build on every week.
Do .5 -1 mile warm up
Advanced: Add these
Incline 2.5 min
rest 1.5 min
Incline 3 min
rest 1.5 min
Rest can be done two different ways. You will be able to add more intensity if you jump off the treadmill between sets. You can also lower the treadmill and walk/slow jog between sets - This is a lot more work but also helps you to develop more of a rhythm. Find out what works for you.
Make sure you pick a speed that you can maintain - You most likely won't be doing this at 9.0 (or even 8.0). Focus on shorter, quicker steps while keeping the torso lifted and core strong.
For the insane athletes: Add 30 burpees at the end of each set.
Complete a slow jog at the end to help clear lactic acid out of muscles.
WARNING - This workout will not help you develop a love for running. You will love the results however!
Enjoy! Let me know how much you loved/hated this after you are done.
You've trained for that race. Here's how to taper beforehand.
You've trained for that race. Here's how to taper beforehand.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Eating Like a Pro on a Mom's Schedule
The Daily Dilemma
It's 5 pm, and I'm standing (again) in front of the fridge trying to figure out what I'm going to fix for my family and myself. Sometimes I'm motivated enough to whip up a nutritious protein-veggie meal. But I also have those days that I let my 7 year make everyone ramen noodles (Don't worry - I throw frozen peas in there to bump up the nutritional value). Preparation may come much easier to some, but I definitely struggle.
Planning and Preparation
On really, really, really good weeks, I will have taken a day and planned my whole week's menu. I will then go to the grocery store and get all the ingredients that I need for those meals. This is the perfect way to guarantee success. Because the hardest thing to do is decide what to make at the last minute.
I usually take time to find a couple new recipes when I do this to change things up.
I'm a little bit of a food snob where I don't really like old food. I know athletes that prepare an entire weeks worth of chicken and vegetables, and then put it in cute separate containers. I applaud such people, but I personally can't stand the taste of dried out chicken from 4 days ago.
This section is short because, let's be real, this happens every 2 months or so.
It's 5 pm, and I'm standing (again) in front of the fridge trying to figure out what I'm going to fix for my family and myself. Sometimes I'm motivated enough to whip up a nutritious protein-veggie meal. But I also have those days that I let my 7 year make everyone ramen noodles (Don't worry - I throw frozen peas in there to bump up the nutritional value). Preparation may come much easier to some, but I definitely struggle.
Based on my training and occupation, I could be considered an pro-athlete. I have to be more concerned than ever about what I put in my mouth. Thankfully that usually translates to healthier food for my kids too. I just try to make those "other" days more and more spread apart.
I do have a few things that work for me.
Here is how I, as a busy mom, have found ways to eat healthier.
I do have a few things that work for me.
Here is how I, as a busy mom, have found ways to eat healthier.
Planning and Preparation
On really, really, really good weeks, I will have taken a day and planned my whole week's menu. I will then go to the grocery store and get all the ingredients that I need for those meals. This is the perfect way to guarantee success. Because the hardest thing to do is decide what to make at the last minute.
I usually take time to find a couple new recipes when I do this to change things up.
I'm a little bit of a food snob where I don't really like old food. I know athletes that prepare an entire weeks worth of chicken and vegetables, and then put it in cute separate containers. I applaud such people, but I personally can't stand the taste of dried out chicken from 4 days ago.
This section is short because, let's be real, this happens every 2 months or so.
When I am in the mood to cook, I REALLY cook.
I make much more than my family can eat so that I can have it lots of extras. My husband can take it to work and the kids can eat it with me for lunch.
This doesn't work for everything, but my favorite thing to do this with soups. No matter the time of year, soups hold up extremely well with time. And the ingredients stay nice and moist. They can also be frozen!
Here is one of my delicious healthy soup recipes.
Tortilla Chicken Soup (scroll down to bottom)
Yes it will probably take you over an hour to make, but they can last you for several meals! When I cook the chicken soup, we usually get a dinner and 2-3 lunches out of it. Most soup tastes better the next day anyhow.
I don't buy what tempts me
Kids can be perfectly happy eating grapes rather than fruit snacks. They actually will eat string cheese or carrots and ranch instead of chips if that's what you give them. I used to feel bad that my pantry was not stocked full of Costco snacks- that somehow that made me a lesser mom. This decision has helped them make better food decisions. Most of the time, my children will head to the fruit drawer of the fridge when they want something.
This is where I'm at most of the time, so I've had to cope with my own lack of planning abilities.
Here are some of my easy go-tos. They are not going to be mac-n-cheese easy, but with practice won't really take that much more time. (btw I'm not afraid of cheese in a healthy diet)
-Bagged salad with beans/nuts/ cheese thrown on for protein. Great with leftover meat of any kind
-Baked chicken with tomatoes and veggies - (throw a can or 2 of Italian diced tomatoes over a layer of zucchini and frozen chicken, season with basil,garlic,salt,pepper, put in oven for 45 min)
Yes this is my shameless plug for the shake that I use, and have believed in for over 5 years. Almost daily I drink one for lunch or a snack because the ingredients are overwhelmingly top notch. And it is so easy when I don't feel like cooking. It has 80 different ingredents including chia seed, wheat grass, flax seed... Just check it out for yourself here.
Tortilla Chicken Soup
This soup is a favorite in my household - My kids even get excited! I usually double this for a family of 5 to make leftovers.
Tortilla Chicken Soup (scroll down to bottom)
Yes it will probably take you over an hour to make, but they can last you for several meals! When I cook the chicken soup, we usually get a dinner and 2-3 lunches out of it. Most soup tastes better the next day anyhow.
Too busy at night? Use your crockpot and make it in the morning.
I don't buy what tempts me
Somehow that candy bar made it from the grocery store to your kitchen drawer. If you can tell yourself "no" 10 different times at the store, than it will start to become habit. Eventually you won't even go through the denial process.
Nothing makes me more sad when I train adults that tell me they are having trouble getting their snacking under control while they simultaneously hand out Cheetos and donuts to their kids. They somehow feel that they have these amazing super denial powers when unhealthy snacks are around them. If you have a sugar problem, for heaven sakes so will your kids/ significant others if you keep buying crap for them.
Kids can be perfectly happy eating grapes rather than fruit snacks. They actually will eat string cheese or carrots and ranch instead of chips if that's what you give them. I used to feel bad that my pantry was not stocked full of Costco snacks- that somehow that made me a lesser mom. This decision has helped them make better food decisions. Most of the time, my children will head to the fruit drawer of the fridge when they want something.
I am just as much as a sugar freak as anyone I know. I will eat ANYTHING with sugar in it. I don't even like thin mints but will eat them if they are in the house.
So just don't tempt yourself because, if you are anything like me, you will lose.
I have go-to meals that are easy
Going back to the 5 pm fridge standing, have something that is easy that you know is a winner. I suggest making a list and putting it on your fridge
-Spinach/tomatoes/feta cheese/eggs - Sautee spinach and diced tomatoes in olive oil, add eggs, top with feta cheese - Wrap these in homemade or refrigerated tortillas with cheddar or swiss cheese and kids won't even notice the veggies. Cook extra and save in the fridge for a quick lunch the next day
-Quinoa/broccoli/cheese - Cook Quinoa and broccoli separately, combine and add cheese
-Frozen bag of veggies with sautéed chicken (plus rice the night before long workouts). Costco brand of veggies is pretty decent tasting
-Bagged salad with beans/nuts/ cheese thrown on for protein. Great with leftover meat of any kind
-Baked chicken with tomatoes and veggies - (throw a can or 2 of Italian diced tomatoes over a layer of zucchini and frozen chicken, season with basil,garlic,salt,pepper, put in oven for 45 min)
-Sweet potatoes
-Whole wheat spaghetti with meat sauce and sautéed veggies.

Yes this is my shameless plug for the shake that I use, and have believed in for over 5 years. Almost daily I drink one for lunch or a snack because the ingredients are overwhelmingly top notch. And it is so easy when I don't feel like cooking. It has 80 different ingredents including chia seed, wheat grass, flax seed... Just check it out for yourself here.
Tortilla Chicken Soup
This soup is a favorite in my household - My kids even get excited! I usually double this for a family of 5 to make leftovers.
1 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 med green pepper, finely chopped
1 jalapeno
3 med carrots, chopped
3 med celery, chopped
1 tbsp chili powder
5 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
3 cups cooked chicken
1 can tomatoes canned -italian
2 tbsp lime Juice
2/4 tsp salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 avocados
canned black beans
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 med green pepper, finely chopped
1 jalapeno
3 med carrots, chopped
3 med celery, chopped
1 tbsp chili powder
5 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
3 cups cooked chicken
1 can tomatoes canned -italian
2 tbsp lime Juice
2/4 tsp salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 avocados
canned black beans
Notes / Directions
soften onion, green pepper, jalapeño, carrots, celery
stir in chili powder
add chicken broth and water
stir in chili powder
add chicken broth and water
add chicken
stir in canned tomatoes
boil/ reduce to med - simmer 10 min
stir in
black beans - drain/ rinse
lime juice
cook 1 more min
serve with avocado chunks, cheese, homemade corn tortilla strips
boil/ reduce to med - simmer 10 min
stir in
black beans - drain/ rinse
lime juice
cook 1 more min
serve with avocado chunks, cheese, homemade corn tortilla strips
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Training through injuries
To Rest or Keep Going
I have to preface this blog post with the following disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. Please realize that statements made come from my own personal experience and from statements, recommendations, strategies, and methods used by other professionals throughout my life.
It seems as though injuries have always gone hand in hand with my athletic endeavors throughout my life. I suffered though back issues in Jr High during basketball season. I encountered a knee injury and tendonitis after slicing it open in high school. In college, my running came to a hault after I acquired and couldn't beat IT Band syndrome. Post baby, the injuries stacked up - Hamstring strains, knee pain, shoulder pain, Plantar Fasciitis, back pain, carpal tunnel, neck pain, hip pain, severe ankle sprains, Piriformis Syndrome. Seriously - name your injury - I've had it.
I've always wondered if something was wrong with me. Maybe I trained too hard. Maybe the alignment in my body was all wrong. Maybe I wasn't designed for athletics.
But I love to move my body! I love to see how far I could push my muscles - my mind was willing. I knew there had to be more to it.
![]() |
Running with Strength Tape on my hamstring |
As a fitness professional, I know that I'm not alone. I know that almost everyone around me has something on that list, and many don't know what to do about it. And many spend 1000s of dollars with doctors trying to fix their problems
At 33 years old, I feel like the knowledge that I've accumulated helps me to discern bad pain from good pain, and has given me methods to deal with injuries before they come, or even head them off all together. I hope that some of these methods will help others learn to deal with their pain. Here is a checklist that you can go through to discern what to do.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Atlas Race Temecula Recap
“Winning isn't about finishing in first place. It isn't about beating the others. It is about overcoming yourself. Overcoming your body, your limitations, and your fears. Winning means surpassing yourself and turning your dreams into reality.”
― Kilian Jornet, Córrer o Morir
It was quite an incredible experience this weekend. The prize money and team competition of the Atlas Race had brought out many of the top OCR competitors - The starting line was brimming with talent on both the men and women's side.

Pictured here - April Luu, Chikorita De Lego, Irene call, Maggie Thorne, Ella Kociuba, Tiffanie Novakavich, Rose Wetzel. Lauren Ho, Amelia Boone, Cassidy Watton, TyAnn Clark, Kk Stewart
And the guys - Chad Trammel, Matt Murphy, Hobie Call, Hunter Mcintyre, Max King, Cody Moat, Brakken Kraker, and many more!
Team Spartan knew we had our work cut out for us, and that we were going to have to each pull our weight in order to pull this off. The talent seemed to be evenly distributed between the teams, which was going to make for an interesting and unpredictable finish.
I woke up surprisingly refreshed (thank you April for the Tylenol pm:)) and ready to go. At the race location, the sun was coming up and starting to warm up the morning in the beautiful Vail Lake Resort. There weren't many obstacles to view from the festival area, but it was packed with things that are great to have post race - a massage tent, food, a free bag check. There were many friends and familiar faces there who are quickly becoming like family to me.
At this race, there was money for top teams, as well as for individuals. I really wanted to do well in both, especially since my last races were less than stellar. There were a couple aspects of my racing I was planning on tweaking, and was going to risk it to hopefully come away higher on the podium.
I had originally done the Atlas Race in Oregon and was very impressed with their organizers Lance and Scott, as well as the course. They had some refreshing new obstacles that had made the race last Nov really fun and challenging.
My husband, Jim, said that he knew I was going to have a good race - apparently he can tell these things. Maybe I was more relaxed? In better shape?

After our sendoff, the pace was set (fast!) by KK, Rose, and April. But I hung back slightly, preferring to speed up more gradually. Most people die off.
This time I was rooting for April to be up with me instead of behind me since she was on my team. That was a little weird.
The first obstacle was a spider web type thing with bungees that you have to weed your way through. We all decided to go under. I was right behind Ella, and got a nice bungee smack in the face as her foot struggled free of one. That was nice.
Next we had a nice climb up the hill. Thankfully I had prepared for these and was able to run the whole thing. By the time we had scaled a couple walls at the top, I was snugly behind Rose.
At around 2 miles, we were back at the bottom flipping tires - a lot! 20 times or so? But it gave us a chance to see where everyone was. Close. Amelia was just slightly behind me, and I finished not long after Rose.
We went over more hills and cargos (yay, I had finally learned to roll down them) and were back at the festival area. It was now Rose, me, Lauren, and then Amelia.
The intensity of the hills thus far had really pushed us, but we then had to struggle through burpee broad jumps - ugh.
At this point, we were all struggling. 2 miles left to go, it seemed like I just needed to hang on behind rose and then out-kick her through obstacles at the end. I was able to stay ahead of Lauren and was gaining on rose. Until...
The sandbag carry had changed things up dramatically, and had destroyed many. I was happy that I had kept up with the runners, but could also hang with the tough girls.
TEAM SPARTAN - Jenny Tobin, April Luu, TyAnn Clark, Chikorita De Lego.
I loved the atmostphere at this race, and the friendliness and positivity of the race directors. I also think they had some unique obstacles at their first race in Oregon that they need to bring back for their next race in Texas. I would love to see the high dive back, as well as the log cross and hop. I also love how they had bales of hay to drag, as well as multiple logs/ walls in a row to jump over (it was really taxing). The festival area was packed with obstacles and made for a good show. Hopefully these can be back for the next race in Texas and then Vegas.
On a side note, I love racing in gold. If gold shoes can make Michael Johnson run faster, maybe he was on to something. Now to find more gold accessories...gold compression socks anyone?
Even if I hadn't been on that podium, I was very happy with my performance. I feel like I'm learning how to push my body harder and smarter with every race, and that I broke through mental barriers with this one. So with that I must post again.
“Winning isn't about finishing in first place. It isn't about beating the others. It is about overcoming yourself. Overcoming your body, your limitations, and your fears. Winning means surpassing yourself and turning your dreams into reality.”
― Kilian Jornet, Córrer o Morir
― Kilian Jornet, Córrer o Morir
ATLAS Temecula Sprint recap - Feb 2014
It's easy to get caught up in the "winning" part of racing and forget that our journey is more about what we can prove to ourselves - what limits we can overcome. At the Atlas race last weekend, our teammate was devastated as she crossed the finish line because she felt like she had failed our team. I hope she remembers that our results are not always indicative of our effort. She had done an amazing job, and had struggled where others had struggled. Finishing with our head held high, knowing we did our best, is so much more important than a medal around our neck or a place on the podium. She had given what she had that day. I hope she knows that makes her a winner in my book.It was quite an incredible experience this weekend. The prize money and team competition of the Atlas Race had brought out many of the top OCR competitors - The starting line was brimming with talent on both the men and women's side.

Pictured here - April Luu, Chikorita De Lego, Irene call, Maggie Thorne, Ella Kociuba, Tiffanie Novakavich, Rose Wetzel. Lauren Ho, Amelia Boone, Cassidy Watton, TyAnn Clark, Kk Stewart
And the guys - Chad Trammel, Matt Murphy, Hobie Call, Hunter Mcintyre, Max King, Cody Moat, Brakken Kraker, and many more!
Team Spartan knew we had our work cut out for us, and that we were going to have to each pull our weight in order to pull this off. The talent seemed to be evenly distributed between the teams, which was going to make for an interesting and unpredictable finish.
I woke up surprisingly refreshed (thank you April for the Tylenol pm:)) and ready to go. At the race location, the sun was coming up and starting to warm up the morning in the beautiful Vail Lake Resort. There weren't many obstacles to view from the festival area, but it was packed with things that are great to have post race - a massage tent, food, a free bag check. There were many friends and familiar faces there who are quickly becoming like family to me.
At this race, there was money for top teams, as well as for individuals. I really wanted to do well in both, especially since my last races were less than stellar. There were a couple aspects of my racing I was planning on tweaking, and was going to risk it to hopefully come away higher on the podium.
I had originally done the Atlas Race in Oregon and was very impressed with their organizers Lance and Scott, as well as the course. They had some refreshing new obstacles that had made the race last Nov really fun and challenging.
My husband, Jim, said that he knew I was going to have a good race - apparently he can tell these things. Maybe I was more relaxed? In better shape?

After our sendoff, the pace was set (fast!) by KK, Rose, and April. But I hung back slightly, preferring to speed up more gradually. Most people die off.
This time I was rooting for April to be up with me instead of behind me since she was on my team. That was a little weird.
The first obstacle was a spider web type thing with bungees that you have to weed your way through. We all decided to go under. I was right behind Ella, and got a nice bungee smack in the face as her foot struggled free of one. That was nice.
Next we had a nice climb up the hill. Thankfully I had prepared for these and was able to run the whole thing. By the time we had scaled a couple walls at the top, I was snugly behind Rose.
At around 2 miles, we were back at the bottom flipping tires - a lot! 20 times or so? But it gave us a chance to see where everyone was. Close. Amelia was just slightly behind me, and I finished not long after Rose.
We went over more hills and cargos (yay, I had finally learned to roll down them) and were back at the festival area. It was now Rose, me, Lauren, and then Amelia.
The intensity of the hills thus far had really pushed us, but we then had to struggle through burpee broad jumps - ugh.
At this point, we were all struggling. 2 miles left to go, it seemed like I just needed to hang on behind rose and then out-kick her through obstacles at the end. I was able to stay ahead of Lauren and was gaining on rose. Until...
The Game Changer
The podium may have looked drastically different if this one obstacle hadn't been included. We arrived at a 60 lb sandbag carry that was to proceed straight up a rather steep hill. Visions of Killington flashed through my head as we attempted the painfully slow ascent. Fortunately my "slow" was faster than Rose's and I ended up passing her halfway up. We crested the top just in time to see that we weren't actually at the top yet! So we pressed on. As I started to descend the other side (with my lungs in my throat) I notice that there is no noise behind me (I didn't want to look) and I tried to go faster down the hill. It was sandy and slippery and took everything I could to stay upright. The thought that I could possibly pull off a win creeped into my head and I was elated!
Until I saw Amelia Boone shuffle by me.
She looked effortless carrying that sandbag, and I just couldn't keep up. We got to the bottom, and still were required to carry the bag with us, dropping it only to go over walls. The entire carry lasted a mile, and I was about a minute behind Amelia before we got to drop it. As I dropped my sandbag, I saw April Luu coming in with hers! She had come out of nowhere into 3rd place. Our team had a great shot at winning!.
With .70 left to go I took off, willing my pace to drop below 6 min. I could see Amelia, but didn't think I'd have enough time to get her. The finish had a nice combination of obstacles. The barbed wire crawl was separated into lanes so that no one could roll and had to crawl. There were several walls, tubes to crawl through, and mud to run through. I finished strong over the last 8 ft wall.
I was disappointed that after all my effort, first place had evaded me, but was also ecstatic that I had just beat some athletes that I had yet to beat this season I came in 50 sec after Amelia in 2nd place.
April was able to hold her position and amazing come back in 3rd place. Our team score depended on a 3rd member of our team, and so we anxiously awaited either Jenny or Chikorita's appearance. We got nervous as all 3 members of the other 2 top teams finished before we saw our girls. When we spotted Jenny Tobin, but decided to go out and give her a some "light encouragement" - She needed a good time for us to take first. We yelled at her in more ways than one over the final portion of her race. I'm sure she wanted to kill us, but I'm sure it helped:)
At the end of the day, we had done it! We squeaked by into first place!The sandbag carry had changed things up dramatically, and had destroyed many. I was happy that I had kept up with the runners, but could also hang with the tough girls.
TEAM SPARTAN - Jenny Tobin, April Luu, TyAnn Clark, Chikorita De Lego.
I loved the atmostphere at this race, and the friendliness and positivity of the race directors. I also think they had some unique obstacles at their first race in Oregon that they need to bring back for their next race in Texas. I would love to see the high dive back, as well as the log cross and hop. I also love how they had bales of hay to drag, as well as multiple logs/ walls in a row to jump over (it was really taxing). The festival area was packed with obstacles and made for a good show. Hopefully these can be back for the next race in Texas and then Vegas.
On a side note, I love racing in gold. If gold shoes can make Michael Johnson run faster, maybe he was on to something. Now to find more gold accessories...gold compression socks anyone?
Even if I hadn't been on that podium, I was very happy with my performance. I feel like I'm learning how to push my body harder and smarter with every race, and that I broke through mental barriers with this one. So with that I must post again.
“Winning isn't about finishing in first place. It isn't about beating the others. It is about overcoming yourself. Overcoming your body, your limitations, and your fears. Winning means surpassing yourself and turning your dreams into reality.”
― Kilian Jornet, Córrer o Morir
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