Tapering - reducing one's training in preparation for a race. AKA being forced to do less of what one loves for an entire week.
After coming from the running world to obstacle course racing, I'm somewhat surprised at many of the racers' views (or lack there of) on tapering pre-race. Most have a less favorable view of cutting back. I get it - It can be the hardest part of your training. However there are huge benefits to allowing your body to build during the week or 2 before the race. Studies have shown that you can improve time by 2-8%!
Your goal in a taper week should be to reduce fatigue and maintain fitness- not to have any physiological gains. You should not be trying to set PRs (personal records).
A running tapering schedule involves cutting out weight lifting up to 2 weeks before, and significantly cutting running miles. This will not work for obstacle racing.

Take a look at what I do -
This may or may not work for you, but here is what I do.
***Remember that this is a scaled back version of my typical week. I typically run about 30 miles a week with 3-4 crossfit/strength sessions. If this looks like one of your hard weeks, do not follow this to a "T". Reduce miles, do less sets, etc.
***Trying to gain fitness this week will do you more harm than good - It's better to go in undertrained than overtrained.
***Keep intensity, but reduce sets and reps.
Full Crossfit class - but will avoid anything that will make me sore (100 heavy deadlifts or something of that sort). I avoid heavy squats and most leg work as a general rule as well. I then add 2 sets of 8 reps of heavy Bicep curls, Tricep dips, Bench Press, Pull ups
Practice - spear throw
Track workout after warm up, with equal time recovery - 6 miles total
Sprint 2x800m
Practice -spear throw
Run - 5 miles - stopping every mile to do 15 burpees
1 set of Pull ups, Tricep Dips, Bicep Curps, Bench Press, Bent over row
Practice - spear throw
Easy 3 miles or rest completely depending on how I'm feeling
Easy 20 min - adding 3-4 x10 sec sprints
Remember to hydrate, sleep well, stretch out, eat clean, and relax as well.
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